Friday, April 17, 2009

Novell's classic platinum wedding band featured in Bridal Style Guide wedding band feature.

Platinum_wedding_ring_P1589 Novell's classic platinum wedding band P1589-7GC is featured in Modern Jeweler's Bridal Style Guide - a special section highlighting the best wedding band styles.

Keep in mind that nearly all Novell wedding band styles can be made wider, narrower, in different metals (platinum, palladium or gold), with different finishes, and much more.When it comes to your wedding band - why settle for just the ordinary?

Novell, an American wedding band manufacturer which specializes in wedding band customization, has always emphasized the philosophy that platinum is the superior metal choice for both men's and women's wedding bands. Yet for each individual, the same metal can also be symbolic of very different things. For her, platinum represents the pure expression of love shared. It is precious, rare and eternal. For him, platinum is a magnificent, distinguished and resilient mineral that separates the man wearing it from those that do not. No other precious metal offers the same level of excellence.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Choosing the right metal for your wedding band or bridal jewelry

Novell Design Studio, a leading American wedding band manufacturer which specializes in wedding band customization, is proud to announce the availability of its new online video brochure - Choosing the Right Metal for Your Bridal Jewelry. This video is designed to help the average consumer decide which metal will be the best choice for their wedding band or engagement ring, as these rings are not only a symbol of love and celebration, but can also be assets to be treasured in the years ahead.

The video’s soundtrack features the song “Center of My Heart,” a selection from composer Paul Schwartz’s latest album - State of Grace III. From modern pulsing rhythmic tracks to small acoustic ensembles and broadly orchestrated numbers, State of Grace III features a wide range of musical styles to mirror Novell’s ample array of wedding band styles.

Choosing platinum for your wedding bands

Novell has always emphasized that platinum is the superior metal choice for both men's and women's wedding bands. Yet for each individual, the same metal can also be symbolic of very different things. For her, platinum represents the pure expression of love shared; it is precious, rare and eternal. For him, platinum is a magnificent, distinguished and resilient mineral that separates the man wearing it from those that do not. No other precious metal offers the same level of excellence.

Read more about choosing platinum for your wedding bands on

How one jeweler is surviving these tough economic times

I came across an interesting story about how one jeweler, Venus Jewelers in New Jersey’s Franklin Township, is surviving during this tough economic time. Although not an authorized Novell retailer, it’s good to see a jewelry store staying with the trends and truly “hanging in there” while most others are just sitting and waiting for better times.

Jeweler Rocks Out with Own Designs (from

FRANKLIN — The current economic situation doesn't seem to have hurt Venus Jewelers. The store's owners are planning to double the size of the Easton Avenue business in the coming months. "There may be a recession, but we're still getting traffic,'' owner Peter Stavrianidis said. "People may be a little more conservative, but it's mostly out of fear, I think. Recession or not, people still buy engagement rings and wedding bands. I believe we'll thrive once this crisis is over.''

Peter's father, George Stavrianidis, founded the store in 1979. George Stavrianidis was a watchmaker by trade and worked for 55 years in the industry. His son almost went to law school, but ultimately ended up in the family business.

"I guess it was my fate,'' Peter Stavrianidis said.

Since then, Stavrianidis, who has lived in Franklin for 10 years, keeps up with the changing styles in jewelry and stays on top of trends.

"That's what makes us unique,'' he said. "We're very much involved in the industry.''

Read more of Jeweler Rocks Out with Own Designs

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New wedding song for 2009

A different kind of wedding band manufacturer helps introduce a different kind of wedding song. Novell finds a new avenue for marketing the company – and a new wedding song for 2009.

Read more

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Need a boost? Give Red Bull Simply Cola a test run. (A review)

Red Bull Simply Cola is a more natural alternative to the typical energy drinks out there today, and it won’t have you shaking like a nervous Chihuahua. Red Bull Simply Cola also has a complex spiced flavor, and is not as sweet as Coke or Pepsi.

Here's a consumer's review from

"A few years ago, I became a Red Bull Energy Drink junkie. While it took me a few weeks to get used to the taste, a can of Red Bull was never far from my hand either first thing in the morning, or before hockey games. And while I still enjoy a can now and then, I have found that the older I get, the less I enjoy that 'Red Bull feeling.' "

"I have recently been giving Red Bull Simply Cola a try. It’s not quite an energy drink, but instead an all natural cola. Consisting of natural ingredients (including coca leaf, kola nut, lemon/lime, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, pine, corn mint, galangal, vanilla, ginger, mace, cacao, licorice, orange, mustard seeds, and caffeine derived from coffee beans), Red Bull Simply Cola has a complex spiced flavor. In other words – you are not going to confuse it with Coke or Pepsi during a blind taste test. You might, however, enjoy Red Bull Simply Cola when you need a “kick,” but want it to be more on the mellow side."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jewelry industry - meet Facebook! Facebook - meet the jewelry industry!

Facebook_logo Recently JCK Magazine’s Mark Smelzer wrote about the jewelry industry beginning to embrace Facebook. Since I have a pretty strong opinion on this subject, I have a lot to say and posted a response to the online article. However, my comments formatted into one giant blob-of-a-paragraph.

So, in case anyone is interested, below are the relevant parts of Mark’s article, and my response – formatted so it’s easier to read.

The Facebook Era Arrives
By Mark Smelzer -- JCK-Jewelers Circular Keystone, 3/1/2009
I've just returned from Tucson, Ariz., where I attended the Centurion show and the AGTA show. As always, the warmth of Tucson (figuratively and literally) was a terrific escape and the trip was a chance to see our friends in the industry. Topic No. 1, of course, was the economy and its continuing negative impact on the jewelry industry.

Amid the concerns, there were several fascinating topics of conversation, the most interesting being the rise of Facebook. Suddenly, everyone in the industry is talking about the hugely successful networking site and its impact on their personal and professional lives.

For an industry that once lagged behind the population as a whole with regard to the Internet, it seems we're finally catching up.'s traffic numbers continue to boom, with 162,000 unique visitors (individual persons) visiting our site in the month of January alone, our highest monthly traffic ever!

There is a particular sense of a watershed moment with regard to Facebook. It's one thing for members of our industry to recognize the strategic importance of the Web. It's quite another for them to incorporate the Internet into their daily personal lives. Through the use of this site and others, we're finally realizing the role that the Internet plays for millions.

What does this mean to you, the retailer or manufacturer? It means that once again the paradigm has shifted (recall the shift from weekly magazines like Life to television), and once again you need to position yourselves where the traffic is.

Step 1 should be creating personal and business Facebook pages. Once you have a personal page, you can create a page for your business as well. As your network of friends grows on your personal page (you'll be astonished at how quickly the numbers add up), you can invite them to become a “fan” of your business page as well. As your business fans grow, you'll have a ready-made list of persons to e-mail on a continuing basis, to inform them of events, charity involvements, trunk shows, new product arrivals, etc.

None of this takes the place of your store or business's actual Web site. In fact, you want to place as many links (and reasons to link) to your Web site as possible on your business Facebook page. Think of a Facebook page as plopping yourself in the middle of a busy freeway, in the hope of diverting traffic to your site. Go where the traffic is!


My response:
The Facebook era not only has begun, but it probably can be said that it started a while ago, and it’s pretty much just now starting to be talked about in the jewelry industry. This is a good thing. Maybe even a great thing!

In an age where people like me are asked to either greatly reduce, reserve or even eliminate budgets, tools like Facebook are very valuable. Yes – it’s where the traffic certainly is. However, it should be noted that connecting with the right audience may take quite a bit of work. One page alone may not attract customers to your door automatically.

Novell put up a Facebook page about three weeks ago ( Over the next few months, I anticipate that I will have to put in a decent amount of time to really get it noticed. In fact, I may even say that promoting Novell wedding rings through a variety of social media channels (blogs, message boards, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Digg, Flickr and many other news and linking websites) will be a big – if not the biggest – part of my job. If you wanna catch a lot of fish, then you definitely have to put your boat where the most fish are. And, of course, have the right bait.

I am very happy to be hearing buzz within the jewelry industry about Facebook and social media in general. I look forward to the day when more manufacturers and retailers make an active presence known to existing and future customers alike. Personally, I want to be next to my competitors on many platforms. That way, consumers can easily compare and choose the manufacturer, product or even metal that’s right for them.

People like to use the term “branding,” but often I wonder if many of those who throw the term into conversations really truly know what “branding” is. At least with Facebook, your message needs to be clear and focused for it to have a chance to work. Even with my page, I know that I have a lot of tweaking to do as well. It looks to be a fun – and educating – journey to take.

"Good-bye" to relying on print ads and glossy brochures alone. "Hello" to more focused and multi-channeled messages.


Novell's Marketing Director talks about new wedding song

Novell's Marketing Director Rick Mulholland explains the reasoning behind helping to introduce "Celebrate Early and Often."

As seen on (March 5, 2009):

" I think it's time for some newer wedding song ideas. Therefore, Novell is happy to help introduce 'Celebrate Early and Often' to the wedding world at large. It's a new wedding song for a new generation - and for the new times."

Read more about "Celebrate Early and Often."

Celebrate Early & Often - Jacqui Naylor

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bride endorses new wedding song introduced by Novell

Wedding_song_jaqui_naylor Tired of the same old list of wedding songs that seem to be suggested time and time again? Well, over on’s bridal message boards, future brides have been chatting about new wedding songs and making suggestions to each other. And one gives “Celebrate Early and Often” – a new wedding song for a new wedding generation – a ringing endorsement.

She writes (as of March 4, 2009):
“Hello Everyone! I heard this song and fell in love with it - “Celebrate Early and Often.”
I thought it was cool that the artist wrote it for her own wedding! It kicks into the perfect feeling after about a minute into the song and I can picture myself dancing to it with my soon to be hubby. 7 months to go! …Michelle

In early 2009, wedding band manufacturer Novell Design Studio was asked to help introduce this new wedding song. Since Novell is a different kind of wedding band company, it made sense for them to introduce a different kind of wedding song.

“I think it’s time for some newer wedding song ideas,” comments Novell Marketing Director Rick Mulholland. “Novell is happy to help introduce ‘Celebrate Early and Often’ to the wedding world at large. It’s a new wedding song for a new generation – and for the new times.”

Read more about, listen to and/or buy the song “Celebrate Early and Often.”

Custom wedding bands = wedding bands by Novell

Have you ever looked inside a jeweler’s showcase at wedding bands, and viewed a selection of styles that were close to what you have pictured in your mind, but not quite what you were envisioning? American wedding band manufacturer Novell can help solve that problem.

Almost all Novell wedding bands can be made wider, narrower, in different metals (platinum, palladium or gold), with different finishes, and much more. Our customization capabilities set us apart from nearly all other companies vying for a more visible position within the wedding band industry landscape. Your wedding band can literally be made your way, and just for you within a relatively short period of time. So when you think of the word “custom” and are looking for a wedding band with that special touch - think of Novell. Why settle for ordinary?

Need a wedding band that is wider than what you see in front of you? No problem.

Desire a wedding band style in another metal? Or white instead of yellow? No problem.

Want the edge from one wedding band style, but the braid from another? And a finish that is similar to yet another? Still no problem!!! Custom wedding bands are Novell’s specialty.

View’s layout illustrating Novell’s customization.

Visit our “Customize Your Wedding Band” webpage on

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wedding band company embraces alternative ways to “get the word out”

Is your time limited? Need the facts, just the facts and nothing but the facts about wedding bands? If so, then Novell has built several easy to read Squidoo lenses for a variety of wedding band topics.

For those who don’t know, a Squidoo lens is an easy-to-build, single web page that can feature a company’s products, point to blogs, feature favorite links, RSS feeds, Flickr photos, Twitter feeds, Amazon books or music, and so much more. That way, when someone is looking for recommended information fast, a lens can get them started and sent off in the right direction. Novell’s collection of Squidoo lenses include basic facts about precious metals, new products, popular styles, and other helpful links to aide a consumer’s purchasing decision.

Here’s a quick listing:
Choosing The Right Metal For Your Wedding Band -
A New Wedding Song

Monday, March 2, 2009

Novell introduces a new wedding/love song for the new times

Novell has recently been asked to help introduce a new style of wedding song for a new generation. Since Novell is a different kind of American wedding band manufacturer (they specialize in customization), it felt right for the company to present a different style of wedding song.

“I think it’s time for some newer wedding song ideas,” comments Novell Marketing Director Rick Mulholland. “Novell is happy to help introduce ‘Celebrate Early and Often’ to the wedding world at large. It’s a new wedding song for a new generation – and for the new times.”

Read more and listen to the wedding song audio sample….

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Palladium wedding bands! Get your palladium wedding bands!

See 'em before anyone else! Here are some brand new palladium wedding band styles from Novell. These rings are so brand spankin' new that they are not even on our official website yet.

Interested in pricing and manufacturing options? Please visit Novell's retailer locator to find the authorized wedding band retailer in your area.

Why palladium?
Palladium is a white precious metal that is a member of the family of the platinum group metals. It is mined in some of the same places as platinum and shares similar scientific qualities with the other metals in this group. It stays white, is durable, and as time goes on, even more new jewelry applications for this metal are inevitable. Yet, the most exciting thing about palladium is that it is precious and pure, so you can make a fair comparison of its relation to platinum. Wedding bands created from palladium will stand the test of time. For more information about the metal, please visit

Here are some additional palladium facts to help you make up your mind:

- Palladium is one of the earth's great white precious metals.
- Palladium jewelry offers some of the finer qualities of platinum but currently costs less. It even costs less than gold.
- While platinum will always remain the hallmark for white metal jewelry, palladium is a close relative that can step in and get the job done.
- Palladium is hypo-allergenic.
- Palladium is naturally white, so rhodium plating is not necessary.
- Palladium is durable, so wedding bands made of palladium will stand the test of time.
- Palladium's purity and preciousness make it an extremely attractive value when compared to the lesser non-precious wedding band metals, like titanium and tungsten.

Read more about palladium on Wikipedia.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Custom wedding bands – your wedding band, your way!

Nearly every wedding band created by Novell can be a custom wedding band. Many Novell wedding bands can be custom made wider, narrower, in different metals (platinum, palladium, gold), with different finishes and much more. Your wedding band can literally be custom created just for you. Visit an authorized retailer for pricing and manufacturing options.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Platinum Emboldens Inspiration: Discussing the state of platinum in today's challenging economy


“In This Challenging Economy,
Jewelers Want To Sell Products
That Capture The Consumer’s Jewelry Budget.”
– Bruce Pucciarello

There’s no metal that better signifies love and commitment—or strength, purity, luxury and longevity. Since 1975, Platinum Guild International (PGI) has recreated a passion for platinum jewelry by supplying information, practical advice, support and expertise to educate jewelry manufacturers, retailers and consumers about the superior qualities of this metal. As PGI evaluates the market, they get the word out about platinum and help businesses tap the endless power of the platinum brand. PGI-USA has chosen to highlight some of the leading manufacturers of platinum jewelry. For the first in a series about the industry’s most inspired leaders, The Jewelry Book spoke with Bruce Pucciarello of Novell Design Studio.

by Jessica Teisch for The Jewelry Book

Platinum has captivated Bruce Pucciarello, owner of Novell Design Studio, since he was eighteen years old. At that time, he was working at a big New Jersey manufacturer working in the precious stone cutting department, crafting bridal products on the precision-engineered, Swiss machinery. “I liked the designing and technical expertise that go into the manufacture of a quality product,” says Bruce. “It’s a wonderful combination of art and engineering, with always something new to learn.” In 1986, after gaining further experience as a designer and machinist (and following a side career as a professional musician), Bruce joined forces with Victor Novogrodsky and founded Novell Design Studio in New Jersey. Today, Novell, a high quality, made in America jewelry manufacturer specializing in bridal jewelry and bands, is renowned for its flexible customization capabilities.

Novell started to specialize in platinum in 1988—and this metal soon defined the company’s core. Novell first designed some 18 karat gold rings with platinum inserts, which increased the average men’s band profit. “Our retailers liked that and so did we,” says Bruce. “Once we started making jewelry in platinum,” he continues, “there was never a good reason for us to stop.” After two decades of experience, platinum has become the hallmark of Novell’s manufacturing facility. “As we became more adept at working in platinum,” Bruce explains, “we realized that any time we develop a new design or concept, we had to make sure that it works in platinum.” Novell works platinum into every style and discipline, from machine-made to hand crafting and casting. Novell has distinguished itself so greatly in platinum that its craftspeople prefer to work with this metal over any other.

Because of the superior qualities of platinum and its success using it, Novell remains firmly committed to this metal—not only for its purity, durability and strength, but also for the market it continues to generate. “Technology makes platinum more viable than ever,” Bruce explains. “It doesn’t matter whether platinum costs $800 or $2300 an ounce; there’s a strong market for platinum jewelry, especially bridal.” When important retailers respond to consumer’s desire to purchase platinum, they sell more and increase profitability. “In this challenging economy,” Bruce stresses, “retail jewelers need to sell products that capture every penny from a consumer’s jewelry budget.” Platinum, unlike other metals, “helps smart stores get at that profit.” Manufacturers also benefit from platinum sales: they become better manufacturing facilities because they have to improve their overall level of expertise in order to craft finer platinum jewelry.

Bruce finds that with platinum, success and customer satisfaction go hand-in-hand. “As long as we can make available almost any piece of jewelry in any kind of metal, we will continue to lead with platinum,” says Bruce. In this economy, that’s no mean feat. With its cutting-edge technologies and ingenuity, Novell “wrote a new list of rules, Bruce explains, which dispelled many myths about platinum, such as its difficulty to work with and its high cost. All our rules start with the words – we can. . .”

That attitude, Bruce stresses, is key to succeeding in this difficult economy—as are other factors. The new economy will demand better customer service, quality products and a price that makes sense. Bruce sees creating jewelry in platinum as a great foundation for the successful manufacturer in this new business world. Unfortunately, Bruce laments, “there will be no rescue plan for the jewelry industry. We need to work it out”—that is, we must strengthen local American companies and communities, with fair work and fair pay—“and not a bail out.” Instead of the Golden Rule (“he, who makes the gold, makes the rules”), Bruce posits the Platinum Rule as a guiding principle: “He who works effectively, and labors to make a durable product that is also an object of beauty, will thrive. That is the future of American jewelry manufacturing, so he makes the rules. He, who has the platinum, has the tools!” For the jewelry industry, there’s no greater truth for the New Year.


Friday, February 20, 2009

New Wedding Music for New Wedding Generations

American wedding band manufacturer Novell presents a new type of wedding song for the next generation. Jacqui Naylor’s “Celebrate Early and Often” was written for and performed at the jazz/pop artist’s wedding. It’s a unique music alternative to play at a wedding reception, romantic celebration and more.

“I think it’s time for some newer wedding song ideas” comments Novell Marketing Director Rick Mulholland. “Novell is happy to help introduce ‘Celebrate Early and Often’ to the wedding world at large. It’s a new wedding song for a new generation.”

Listen to sound samples at

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Carved yellow gold wedding band with bright grooves


The NS907-7GCW is a carved 14kt gold wedding band that is 7mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. In different metals (platinum, palladium or gold). In different widths, finishes and much more. Customization sets Novell apart from all the rest.

This wedding band can also be seen on The

Visit an authorized Novell retailer for pricing inquiries.

Yellow gold wedding band with milgrain


The NS909-6GCEY is an 18kt gold wedding band that is 6mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. In different metals (platinum, palladium or gold). In different widths, finishes and much more. Customization sets Novell apart from all the rest.

This wedding band can also be seen on The

Visit and authorized Novell retailer for pricing inquiries.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Novell Wedding Band Company Unveils New Wedding Song

Celebrate Early & Often - Jacqui Naylor

Listen to more music by Jacqui Naylor


Times have changed. Weddings are no longer cookie-cutter weddings of years past. Couples are bringing their own unique tastes and lifestyles and incorporating them into the most special day of their life. There are now ‘greener’ weddings, surprise weddings, best men are women, etc. Older traditions are fading away and new traditions are setting the stage for the new generation of weddings.

Sometimes long standing wedding traditions need to be refreshed a little or even given a “face lift.” Consider some of the music that is played during wedding receptions and ceremonies. What happens if your taste in music leans less towards the Top 40 and more towards varied and eclectic? Or what if timeless pop standards have just become tired to your ear? Perhaps you might be looking for something that is meaningful and classy, but with a unique, contemporary sound. If so, then custom wedding band manufacturer Novell Design Studio has a suggestion for you.

Novell is proud to feature the music of Jacqui Naylor, whose new single is “Celebrate Early and Often” from You Don’t Know Jacq, her most recent album release. “Celebrate Early and Often” was written for and sung to Jacqui’s husband at their wedding. Jacqui uses her sultry voice, a piano and an acoustic guitar on this moving track to tell her own story of falling in love. It’s a fresh music alternative to play at a wedding reception, romantic celebration or perhaps as a bride walks down the aisle. The music of Jacqui Naylor helps create a loving and romantic mood for a variety of formal and informal occasions. “Celebrate Early and Often” is THE love song for the next generation.

Jacqui Naylor’s Unique Musical Styling
You Don’t Know Jacq is Jacqui Naylor’s seventh recording and highlights new arrangements of the most popular songs from her earlier recordings plus new original music. On this recording, Jacqui showcases her signature “acoustic smashing” technique, singing jazz standards over rock classics or vice versa, like The Gershwins’ “Summertime” over The Allman Brothers’ “Whipping Post” or Rodgers & Hart’s “My Funny Valentine” over AC/DC’s “Back in Black.” Her covers of the new classics are equally represented here with a bossa nova take on REM’s “Losing My Religion,” a gospel-flavored version of The Bee Gees’ disco-era ballad “How Deep is Your Love,” and a Jamaican-infused dance interpretation of The Rolling Stones’ “Miss You.” Of course, no Jacqui Naylor album would be complete without showing her jazz chops; here she revisits the Bill Barnes classic “Something Cool” from her very first CD and writes a swing tune called “This Is The Spot” as a “thank you” to jazz radio stations across the country. Other strong new originals on this recording include the beautiful first single “Celebrate Early and Often,” the optimistic “Dreamin’ Big With You,” and “Rise Up,” which was written to inspire people to vote and is currently featured on YouTube and the Obama/Biden website.

Customization Sets Novell Wedding Bands Apart From All Others
Novell Design Studio prides itself on continually bringing innovation to the wedding band industry. The company currently specializes in customizing its wedding band designs to suit individuals’ particular needs, tastes and diverse lifestyles. Since no consumer should just have to settle for what is on the shelf, Novell can specially manufacture almost all of their wedding ring styles in many variations – wider, narrower, in different metals (platinum, palladium or gold), with different finishes, and much more. Novell wedding bands are sold at over 1,000 authorized retailers nationwide. Visit to find the authorized retailer in your area.

Related links:

Novell wedding bands

Jacqui Naylor’s MySpace

Jacqui Naylor’s website

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Best Platinum Proposal Stories Win Platinum Wedding Bands

Platinum_wedding_rings Platinum Guild International (PGI) and Allure magazine, the beauty bible, recently partnered to launch a platinum engagement story contest and an accompanying platinum wedding band micro-website. Future brides and grooms submitted their own platinum love story for the chance to win a pair of platinum wedding bands by Novell Design Studio. Four winners will be chosen, and you can help decide which stories are the best.

From Platinum Guild International:
“We asked Allure readers to tell their platinum engagement stories and have chosen 10 of our favorites. Now it’s your turn to decide which four couples will receive matching platinum wedding bands, courtesy of Novell. Which stories inspire you, make you laugh, get you teary-eyed or do all three?”

“Log onto, choose your favorite couple and be automatically entered for the chance to win one of three iPod Nanos!”

Need more information about choosing platinum for your wedding bands? Download "Choosing The Right Metal For Your Bridal Jewelry."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Custom Wedding Band Co. Updates Customers With RSS

Custom wedding band company Novell embraces some of the latest online technology to keep their customers informed. All the latest Novell wedding band news can be delivered right to a reader that is built into Internet Explorer, or to a Google or Yahoo! personal front page. It's as easy as a click of a button.

Visit Novell News to subscribe.

Affordable and durable wedding rings featured in National Jeweler.


With today's uncertain economic condition, an affordable wedding ring might be on the top of your list. But instead of settling for titanium (which is difficult to size) or tungsten carbide (which can shatter), why not consider a lesser known precious metal?

A recent issue of National Jeweler featured new Novell wedding rings specially created in Argentium Sterling Silver. Wedding rings created with Argentium Sterling Silver are durable, affordable and resistant to tarnish.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Novell custom wedding bands featured on wedding website The

Visit the popular wedding website to see the latest collection of Novell custom wedding bands. Almost every Novell wedding band can be made wider, narrower, in different metals (platinum, palladium, gold), with different finishes and much more. Your wedding band can literally be created just for you. Why settle for ordinary?


Affordable wedding bands created from Argentium Sterling Silver



The February 2009 issue of Modern Jeweler included Novell Argentium Sterling Silver wedding bands (l. to r.) AS1977-8GEW, AS1974-8GEW, AS1971-9GEW, and AS1978-9GEW in the 2009 Spring Selections feature (on page 52).

Argentium Sterling Silver wedding bands stay bright and beautiful for years. Argentium Sterling Silver is also harder than regular sterling silver, does not tarnish and is easy to clean. The metal is an affordable alternative to tungsten or titanium. It is also a precious metal, which tungsten or titanium are not.

Learn more about Argentium Sterling Silver on Novell's website.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wedding bands made from Argentium Sterling Silver

Argentium Sterling Silver wedding bands stay bright and beautiful for years. Argentium Sterling Silver is harder than regular sterling silver, does not tarnish and is easy to clean.

Learn more about Argentium Sterling Silver.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Custom wedding band = Novell wedding band

Almost every wedding band created by Novell can be a custom wedding band. Many Novell wedding bands can be made wider, narrower, in different metals (platinum, palladium, gold), with different finishes and much more. Your wedding band can literally be created just for you. Visit an authorized retailer for pricing and manufacturing options.

Please note: You can have Novell wedding band news delivered directly to your desktop via an RSS feed. Visit to subscribe.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Platinum wedding band with diamonds highlighted in Town & Country weddings

The Spring/Summer 2009 issue of Town & Country Weddings featured Novell platinum wedding band style P1775-5LCC (which features 18 x 0.07 diamonds). Other top brands featured in the wedding band layout include Simon G., Hearts on Fire and Yael Designs.

Wedding bands created with platinum last a lifetime.



Engraved palladium wedding band featured in Brides regional editions

The Spring/Summer 2009 regional editions of Brides magazine featured Novell palladium engraved wedding band style L1799-4LC (which features 4 x .04 round diamonds).

Palladium is naturally white, durable and holds its color well. It is a strong choice for your wedding band when platinum is not an option.



Palladium wedding band featured in Grace Ormonde Wedding Style

The 2009 issue of Grace Ormonde Wedding Style bridal magazine featured Novell palladium wedding band style L1105-7GCC (which has 6 x 0.14 princess cut diamonds). Other established brands in the article include Louis Vuitton, Storm, Porsche Design, and Apple.

Palladium is a naturally white metal that is strong and durable. Palladium is the metal for today!



Platinum wedding band with a rough finish and grooves

Novell’s NQP127-6GPCX is a platinum wedding band that is 6mm wide. Platinum is strong, durable and lasts a lifetime, so you can pass your platinum wedding band down to future generations. And for her, platinum is precious, rare and eternal. For him, platinum is magnificent, distinguished and resilient. No other metal offers such excellence.

To learn more about platinum, visit Also visit for the nearest Novell retailer.

Wedding bands - Classic wedding bands from Novell

Wedding band manufacturer Novell Design Studio is proud to announce the availability of a new online video brochure highlighting classic styles from their collection. The video’s soundtrack features a selection from composer Paul Schwartz’s recent album - State of Grace III. From modern pulsing rhythmic tracks to small acoustic ensembles and broadly orchestrated numbers, State of Grace III features a wide range of musical styles. Visit to find an authorized Novell retailer, and to download a catalog. Customization capabilities sets Novell apart from all other wedding ring manufacturers.

State of Grace III can be purchased at stores nationwide, online at &, and digital download locations such as iTunes.

Wedding bands - View a vast selection of wedding bands by Novell

Wedding band manufacturer Novell Design Studio is proud to announce the availability of a new online video brochure highlighting the most popular styles in their collection. The video’s soundtrack features a selection from composer Paul Schwartz’s recent album - State of Grace III. From modern pulsing rhythmic tracks to small acoustic ensembles and broadly orchestrated numbers, State of Grace III features a wide range of musical styles. Visit to find an authorized Novell retailer, and to download a catalog. Customization capabilities sets Novell apart from all other wedding ring manufacturers.

State of Grace III can be purchased at stores nationwide, online at &, and digital download locations such as iTunes.

Wedding bands - Popular and classic styles from Novell

Wedding band manufacturer Novell Design Studio is proud to announce the availability of a new online video brochure highlighting the most popular styles in their collection. The video’s soundtrack features a selection from composer Paul Schwartz’s recent album - State of Grace III. From modern pulsing rhythmic tracks to small acoustic ensembles and broadly orchestrated numbers, State of Grace III features a wide range of musical styles. Visit to find an authorized Novell retailer, and to download a catalog. Customization capabilities sets Novell apart from all other wedding ring manufacturers.

State of Grace III can be purchased at stores nationwide, online at &, and digital download locations such as iTunes

Wedding rings - Preview new rings created with Argentium Sterling Silver (by Novell)

Wedding band manufacturer Novell Design Studio is proud to announce the availability of a new online video brochure for its brand new collection of wedding bands manufactured with Argentium Sterling Silver and 18kt gold. The video is a preview of new styles that were just introduced to the jewelry industry at the 2008 JCK Show in Las Vegas. The soundtrack features the instrumental selection “ Lux Perpetua,” a track from composer Paul Schwartz’s latest album - State of Grace III. From modern pulsing rhythmic tracks to small acoustic ensembles and broadly orchestrated numbers, State of Grace III features a wide range of musical styles.

Argentium Sterling Silver. Bright. Beautiful. Affordable. Strong. And resistant to tarnish. Novell adds a brand new twist to its vast collection of handcrafted wedding rings. Visit for more information.

State of Grace III can be purchased at stores nationwide, online at &, and digital download locations such as iTunes.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Customize Your Wedding Band (as seen on

Have you ever looked inside a jeweler’s showcase at wedding bands, and viewed a selection of styles that were close to what you have pictured in your mind, but not quite what you were envisioning? Wedding band manufacturer Novell can help solve that problem. Almost all Novell wedding bands can be made wider, narrower, in different metals (platinum, palladium or gold), with different finishes, and much more. Their customization capabilities set them apart from nearly all other companies vying for a more visible position within the wedding band industry landscape. Your ring can literally be made your way, and just for you within a relatively short period of time. So when you think of the word “custom” and are looking for a wedding band with that special touch - think of Novell. Why settle for ordinary?

Platinum wedding band P1815-8GCC

Novell's P1815-8GCC is a platinum wedding band that is 8mm wide. There are 8 x .05 princess cut diamonds around the band (.40 total ct. weight). Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold wedding band NS909-6GCEY

Novell's NS909-6GCEY is an 18kt gold wedding band that is 6mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold wedding band NS907-6GCEY

Novell's NS907-6GCEY is an 18kt gold wedding band that is 6mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold wedding band NS1098-7GCEW

Novell's NS1098-7GCEW is an 18kt gold wedding band that is 7mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold hammered wedding band NS1097-7GCEW

Novell's NS1097-7GCEW is an 18kt gold hammered wedding band that is 7mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold wedding band NS1095-7GCEW

Novell's NS1095-7GCEW is an 18kt gold wedding band that is 7mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold wedding band NS1092-8GCEW

Novell's NS1092-8GCEW is an 18kt gold wedding band that is 8mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold wedding band NS1091-7GCEW

Novell's NS1091-7GCEW is an 18kt gold wedding band that is 7mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold wedding band NS1086-7GCEY

Novell's NS1086-7GCEY is an 18kt gold wedding band that is 7mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.

Gold hammered wedding band NS1082-7GCET

Novell's NS1082-7GCET is an 18kt gold hammered wedding band that is 7mm wide. Novell can customize our designs to your specifications, so that your wedding band will be one of a kind. Exactly the way you want it. Wider. Narrower. In platinum, palladium, 5 kinds of gold, and more. Why settle of ordinary? For additional information and pricing, please visit an authorized retailer.