Red Bull Simply Cola is a more natural alternative to the typical energy drinks out there today, and it won’t have you shaking like a nervous Chihuahua. Red Bull Simply Cola also has a complex spiced flavor, and is not as sweet as Coke or Pepsi.
Here's a consumer's review from http://www.weddingplanningandaccessories.com/:
"A few years ago, I became a Red Bull Energy Drink junkie. While it took me a few weeks to get used to the taste, a can of Red Bull was never far from my hand either first thing in the morning, or before hockey games. And while I still enjoy a can now and then, I have found that the older I get, the less I enjoy that 'Red Bull feeling.' "
"I have recently been giving Red Bull Simply Cola a try. It’s not quite an energy drink, but instead an all natural cola. Consisting of natural ingredients (including coca leaf, kola nut, lemon/lime, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, pine, corn mint, galangal, vanilla, ginger, mace, cacao, licorice, orange, mustard seeds, and caffeine derived from coffee beans), Red Bull Simply Cola has a complex spiced flavor. In other words – you are not going to confuse it with Coke or Pepsi during a blind taste test. You might, however, enjoy Red Bull Simply Cola when you need a “kick,” but want it to be more on the mellow side."
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